Friday 7 July 2017

Music video target audience

This is my Audience Questionnaire. The aim of this questionnaire is to identify the type of audiences that watch music videos, this way I will know who I should be aiming my music video for when it come to making my own.


1. Have you ever watched a music video?

  • Yes
  • No

2. Do you like watching music videos?

  • Yes
  • No

3. How often do you watch music videos?

  • All the time 
  • Often 
  • Not very often
  • I don't watch them
4. Do you sit and watch music videos or do you listen to it in the background?

  • Watch the music video 
  • Listen to it in the background

5. When do you watch/listen to music videos?

  • When I'm bored 
  • When I'm doing work
  • To cheer me up
  • At a party 
  • Hanging out with friends 
  • Doing housework

6. What do you expect a music video to involve?

7. Out of these music genres which would you say you listen to?

  • Hip hop
  • Grime
  • Rap
  • Pop
  • Punk
  • RnB
  • Country and western
  • Rock
  • Dubstep 
  • Blues
  • Reggae 
  • Classical
  • Chart music 

8. Out of those genres do you have a favourite music genre?

9. Currently what is your favourite music video and why?

10. Do you like music videos that tell a story or do you prefer music videos that are more performance based?
  • Narrative based 
  • Performance based

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