Monday 2 October 2017

Analysis of ancillary products

Below is an analysis of a digipak from the artists Empire of the sun. I found this digipak really interesting because I felt that it didn't really reflect them as a duo, normally their work is really colourful and bright but this seems to be the complete opposite.

Digipak - Empire of the sun - Walking on a Dream

However, unfortunately I wasn't able to find a magazine advert from this duo so I decided to look at different magazine adverts from different groups and artist from this genre as I thought that this would be another way that I would be able to learn the different kinds of things that are included within this genre for magazine adverts, it would help me to see if there are any similarities of differences between the different adverts within the same genre. This is shown below;

By looking at the different digipaks and different magazine adverts it will help me to understand more about what I will have to include when it come to making my own within that genre.  

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